All in The Rain

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sky”

The greatest language on earth, is not from one specific country, or a tongue taught by linguists. The greatest language to exist is music. It heals, it strikes a chord deep within people and can span great distances and cause people of a variety of cultures, backgrounds to vibe together all the same. When you hear a sound that makes you move you have no choice to but acknowledge it’s raw power.

This artist TChamps is from Nigeria and his music has reached across an ocean, across a language barrier, a culture barrier, past checkpoints and obstacles to be brought to your ears. He recently won a contest on Threads, which if you didn’t know is the most musician friendly platform that allows artists to connect across great algorithmic distances. The contest held by a Nu-Metal genre bending band named Infina highlights community over competition and puts money in the pockets of artists who win. Do yourself a favor and tap in with the homies and not only support what they do but also support their mission to bring music to the masses.

TCHAMPs has projects All In The Rain and All In The Rain 2.0. This artist brings his unique Nigerian background to the microphone and sheds light on his personal story and his perspective of inspiration where others do not find the same. The music is chill and melodic. The lyrical content is real and genuine. Everything about this artist is refreshing, a break from the ordinary of Western music and a beautiful viewpoint with music that is perfect to chill to! Check out the man’s catalog and support Independent art by way of Nigeria and show love to our musical brethren!