Its Over, Mannequin

“I will remember you, though. I remember everyone that leaves”

Pure symphonic energy, nu-metal, screamo, punk elements, all littered throughout this high vibe track! Exceptionally written lyrics and a melody that is unforgettable. These are all ways we would describe the song “It’s Over, Mannequin”.

The band Glory Fell is one that just came across our path from happenstance. The music community is a difficult one to traverse. It is hard to find support for art/music/culture but there are amazing places like Threads. We are always on the lookout for new music partially short attention span, part occupational hazard. With the music community on Threads we have found an amazing group of artists. Glory Fell was something we came across by checking out Infina and through their live stream show DemoNation we have met many great artists who we now listen to and support!

Glory Fell won a nice cash prize and a marketing package from us to help support their music endeavors! We highly recommend you tune in to DemoNation every Friday at 7pm CST for an interview and the spinning wheel that selects who will be played every Saturday at 7pm CST. The music played those evenings are then voted on by the same community to see who will be the winner!

Glory Fell has this track that made it through many rounds of voting by the people and for the people! Many artists begin to follow each other post contest and have expanded their reach! We intend to support this and would love for you to listen, follow, subscribe, support and see why this music community is one worth noting and how it can help you find great music like Glory Fell!

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