Welcome to The Moon

“The Sun represents the past, the Earth represents the present, and the Moon represents the future.”

There are many opinions on music, as it is a subjective art form conveyed by the artist from their heart, soul, and mind to the ears of the listeners. It is up to the listener to interpret and determine whether the music aligns with their taste. Music is not a homogenous pool of sound that dictates whether a piece of art will be considered good by the population at large. The connection between the listener and the artist is unique—either it exists, or it doesn’t. This connection is not determined by whether the music is inherently good or bad, but rather by the mutual experiences that shape the listener’s profile. Through this listener profile, they find the same enjoyable aspects in the work.

When you listen to music and resonate with it, it means something deeper than just enjoying the sound. It signifies that there are shared connections between you and the artist. This is why music is often called the universal language, capable of breaking barriers. The music discussed here is the work of Joe Mullins, particularly his latest project, Welcome to the Moon. The album, released earlier this year, comes from an artist based in Romney, WV. His music is rooted in rock, featuring exceptional guitar work. The track “Welcome to the Moon” from this album is reminiscent of 90s rock, with rhythms, melodies, and progressions that pay homage to a simpler time in music, when fewer independent artists were making music, and the industry was centered around unit sales. Now that access and distribution have leveled the playing field, more independent art can be created and heard. It is now up to the listeners to determine which music will rise to success.

Tap into Joe Mullins’ work and support independent rock!