If Not Me

“If not now when, if not me then who?”

Legacy is something that must be discussed when creating art. Some visions for achievement include legacy and others visions fall short of thinking about time passing and what the art will do for society and for people after the artist is gone. When considering legacy what will yours be? What will people think of you after you have passed. This is a topic that is front of mind to some and hopefully to those who create art with deep purpose.

Music with legacy power must have some key aspects to it to even begin to be considered for legacy. It has to be a snapshot of culture at the time it was created, and it has to assist in preserving that culture. It should inspire change, either societal or community wide, it should create memories, and provide therapeutic tools to the listeners and artist.

The most recent project by Tut The God is on that path. The music is already a snapshot of culture from the perspective of the individual. The project If Not Me? is preserving the culture of a genuine Chicago based artist living in the Southwest, namely Albuquerque the crime capital of the State of New Mexico. The artist has been performing at shows at the Historic El Rey and capturing the audience as well as creating memories for those who attend. The shows are integral to developing a fanbase. People must be moved by music to be captivated by it. If corporate America is not spending hundreds of thousands to millions to create a societal impact and generate interest than the music itself should be emotive and nothing is more powerful in the artist’s toolkit than a live show to get the listener to resonate with the content. And lastly it should create therapeutic tools to the listener and artist. Many artists explain that music is their refuge and their cathartic way of processing life, and many listeners state the same. Although this is speculation, we can imagine that this is a tool to handle and process life for both the artist and listener alike.

Above all the music from Tut The God is a high quality product that is to be expected from the Mxna Lxsa Gang’s camp. The attention to detail in mixing, mastering, production, recording and final product is second to none. Make sure to tap into Side A and B of Tut The God’s latest project and discuss if this project is part of the artist’s legacy and just what that means. Drop a comment if you like the music or drop a comment if you don’t, either way generate conversation around the music that makes this State art and music community great!