Strain Damage

New Mexico’s does not generally make national news or break headlines a fashionable or positive way too often. People are generally unfamiliar with the State, its culture and are likely only to know pop culture references to the State such as Breaking Bad, Roswell, and green chile.

Even with such a history, culture New Mexico voted to make recreational adult use of cannabis legal in 2021 after having legalized medical use in 2007. New Mexico hasn’t received much national attention outside of recent incidents in which border patrol agents have seized legal product from licensed retailers. There are people who would argue that New Mexico cannabis deserves more attention, citing quality of product, and volume of stores that rival the states of Colorado, Oregon and California.

It is in these communities that Strain Damage Worldwide focuses it’s efforts on. Strange Damage Worldwide are the creators of Strange Damage Podcast. They are intent on showing the outside world the cannabis community in New Mexico. Raj Shah and Anthony Roybal both have passion for their craft and seek to prove that New Mexico can stand with its neighboring states when it comes to cannabis.

They seek to place the Strain Damage Podcast at the intersection of the Cannabis and Entertainment industries in the State. Their goals are to tackle the issue of the stigma of cannabis consumption and productivity. Their attitude is reflected in the guests that appear on the podcast. They have featured hip hop artists, MMA athletes, local cannabis brands, social media stars such as Zach Abeyta, Dizzie Locz, and Santi.

The cannabis business community is in a period of consolidation. As major players enter the State mom and pop stores are closing up shop and medium sized stores are working through mergers and acquisitions to fight against the outside influence. A key point of stores competition is high quality visual design, branding, social media presence, quality of product and customer service. Strain Damage wants to be part of that process of utilizing technology and social media to earn and retain customers. Strain Damage wants to use its platform for good for the greater cannabis community.

Strain Damage is intent on growing their platform through word of mouth and networking to allow for purposeful and targeted growth. Part of their growth plan is to include guerrilla marketing within the cannabis and hip hop community. Strain Damage Worldwide has even partnered with David DBG Barber to connect and establish their presence in the hop hop community in the State. David “Dbg” Barber co-hosts Strain Warz the web series that is connecting cannabis consumers and brands. They have found that marketing in this manner has a much better effect and result. As Strain Damage grows they seek to grow their audience outside the state and are looking to expand operations in different cities and states to bring its message to the people, they even have plans to expand their international audience into presence in the international community.

Check out their latest work here and as they grow help them find their crowd by either partnering with them or directing new organizations to partner with them. If you are interested in sponsoring episodes or creating content sponsorships contact them at or call/text them at 505-356-9092.

Strain Damage-YouTube