
“The idea of competition, particularly in a creative atmosphere, is always there; if you don't acknowledge that, you are doing yourself and the process a disservice.”

The spirit of hip hop is heavy right now. The art form is rooted deeply in competition. The energy in the industry is palpable and every artist is creating with high energy right now. Because of this words cut like razorblades and the competition will only become more intense. When this buzzes through the community the world of hip hop wins.

With this aggression in the hip hop world many are writing their most directed tracks aiming to establish dominance or sending shots in the general direction of competition to keep others at bay. The artist currently utilizing this energy to his advantage is Paakman. The man has stared down adversity in his personal life and coming back to the microphone with a vengeance. 3for1 is a track is putting others on notice. The production starts with a haunting low bumping beat, when the beat changes for the first time you can see Paakman change flows and cadence comfortably, the lyrics still pointed and bold, when the beat changes for the 2nd time Paakman displays range and delivers bars that remind the listener who he is and why not challenge him. The track is part of his upcoming album Damaged.

You can hear the full track here exclusively and as always go show some support for the man by clicking follow, like, save, and sharing with a friend. Support NM art!