Pack of Wolves

“Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack”

The music industry is not built for the weak. It is a cutthroat industry in which weeds out those who cannot wade through the muddied waters and then it demands every ounce of strength the artist has to traverse the wicked industry to make it to the tops of the charts, to the red carpet and to be made in name and likeness that every household should know their name. All of this and more, but not before it takes the spirit and pushes the artist to be their best self.

There are artists in our region who are forging new paths and creating their own lane. One such artist who has been doing this consistently is Whitney Peyton. She has been making a name for herself in the Southwest for years now. Now with her focus expanding she is on tour, creating and now signing artists. She has an excellent social media interface and truly understands the value of a proper social media campaign along with quality music. Her music has been a standard for other artists to follow for years and she has only evolved and grown since she started. Her latest track Pack of Wolves is a strong track with her Astray, Wily Northpole and Bag of Tricks Cat. If you are a fan of hip hop it goes without saying you should be paying attention to her and her team as they are truly up next! If you are an artist you should be checking to see how she demonstrates a proper form when it comes to recording, performing, touring and conducting business. Give respect for a real one and watch and see why she is leading the pack. Support great Southwest Art!