Nothing Sweet

“You know I think nature has such a powerful message about moving from darkness to light, from bitterness to sweetness”

There are artists and albums that challenge the conventional and make people think differently of music. This is desperately needed in the modern music scene. There is such a dangerous level of homogenization in music that people are starting to tune out of the once most popular music genre, Hip Hop. As music progresses you see a stranglehold of the industry being loosened by technology and innovation and then the powers that be claw it all back by reducing artists to a streaming commodity. Every bit of music out is a fight against the system, it is a fight against the industry that seeks to pay artists as little as humanly possible while their fans and audiences bring revenue to the platforms that extort them. When art is genuine and when music is real it is felt and seen and heard beyond the audience it is usually aimed at. This is one of those projects.

The artist is Rylan Oz. He has been bucking the system since his music first started hitting platforms. His content is real, it is a reflection of true experience. A genuine endeavor of relaying life and experience to a those who would choose to spend their time listening to something meaningful. This project Nothing Sweet is a genre bending amalgam of musicality. You cannot find an imitation of this work and more importantly the music is not emulating some popular form of art. The dilution of our precious genre of music has been attempted for too long. Rylan Oz brings about a new face for resistance against the norm and presents this project as a truly unique listening experience.

Sleep on the Gas is the projects opened and starts with melodic and mellow beats that progress into the lyrical stylings of Rylan Oz as you may be familiar with. The project holds hip hop characteristics in Feet and creates catchy moments that are easy to want to replay. The project develops more as you listen through with mellow beats and bars that are emblematic of the sound you might expect from Rylan Oz. The album listens like a concept album or cinematic experience. Star Dust is one of those notable experiences with an ethereal sound, the next track Can’t Force the Funk has Lil Ludwig and Farri featured as well. They lend a sound that makes the song more full and rich. No Time, Oh Kovert and Sleepless Dream round out the ending of the album and it ends in a way that leaves you with a feeling of wanting to hear more of what is next. With the work ethic of this artist there is no question that there is something over the horizon and until then this album has a replay value that will hold listeners until the next project is out. Keep an eye out for his latest work by clicking the FB and IG links below and check out his latest video below.

Rylan Oz-Facebook

Rylan Oz-Instagram