Artificial Intelligence

“I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I’m rooting for the machines.”

The idea of artificial intelligence becoming more commonplace and taking large strides towards self awareness is a dystopian world that many may not have ever considered. The machines and their self learning are creeping into our daily lives and taking over many aspects of life. They are replacing our own ability to think critically or even process concepts on our own. What is more concerning is that it is replacing art instead of menial and mundane tasks that are soul crushing. This brave new world is one we have considered and wrote books, films, and obsessed over. What the future holds is unknown and untold but we have a nagging suspicion it is not good.

Considering artificial intelligence and art there is an artist who presents a new track titled Artificial Intelligence and he is no stranger to our site and social media pages for good reason. His art is striking, it is thought provoking and the writing he displays is hip hop in its purest form.

The production on this track is haunting much like the concept of AI taking over our lives. The lyrics are confident and aggressive. The song is layered and one may think is this an indictment of the current state of Hip Hop? Is it a dig at the competition of the artist Steady Dope? Is it more layered and nuanced than even that? Can artificial intelligence be a critique of the lack of creativity in hip hop or is it all of the above? Check out the track here exclusively and tell us what you think and remember we support real hip hop here!