Rock Star With It

“There is nowhere you can be, that isn’t where you are meant to be”

In an era where the vibe on a track is more important than the lyrics it is hard to find quality music. When people talk about local or regional artists it is usually mentioned with a slight offense, however there are few that are local/regional that are dominating their scene and creating a new lane for themselves and others. These are the leaders of the new school. The artists who have lyricism, quality writing, cadence that cannot be beat and then of course the production that is perfectly paired with all of the above.

The artist above that is dominating the microphone with lyricism and a comfort level on the mic that is hard to match is Notorious T. An Albuquerque artist that has the lyrical ability to challenge just about anyone on the mic. His last two projects both in 2019 are projects that leave you wanting to hear more and as soon as possible. The two projects “Solidified” and “Infinity” are both displays of mastery and are something that gives listeners an idea of the competition they are up against in the Southwest. Some of the standout tracks are “Seasoned” and “The Beatles”. These give a good sample of the artists style and present complex schemes and bars that other artists rarely use. The track “Seasoned” shows his ability create a track that is catchy and relevant, “The Beatles” uses schemes, concepts and portions of Beatles lyrics to create something entirely genuine and new. Be on the lookout for his work as he stays active on social media and as we all wait for the next album to drop.

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