
In a perfect world people wouldn’t need to step outside of their comfort zone to achieve growth. In this utopian ideal people can become strong, powerful, rich, intelligent all without gargantuan efforts or adversity. We would all achieve goals by simply wanting them bad enough. This is not the reality we live in. In order for people to achieve greatness sacrifices are made and struggles are won. Without that adversity would achievement even truly feel like something worthwhile?

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Arrogant Listens

The May edition of Arrogant Listens is late but right on time to deliver quality music that should be in rotation not only on your Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube playlists but just in general. Take a look behind what is in heavy rotation and get familiar with the music scene that is bubbling!

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Arrogant Listens

Arrogant likes to stay tapped in to the local, regional music scene and give artists their shine for their latest works! Check out who is releasing music and who we are listening to! We feature an artist from the State of Arizona in this edition. Artists take note there is a whole world outside your city, listen, network, build your empire!

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